About the Plan

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

The Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan began in June of 2019 and will be developed over the course of approximately 12 months. The final plan will examine future possibilities and establish a defined direction or vision for the community. When adopted, it will serve as the official roadmap, guiding development and growth in Jefferson County.

The Comprehensive Plan will not only examine land use policy and objectives, it will include a broad view of Jefferson County including transportation, community facilities, utilities & infrastructure, parks, environmental assets, agriculture, quality of life, and more. The goal of this plan is to make a positive vision of the community by planning and creating change and growth versus reacting to change.

What areas will the plan cover?

The plan will cover the unincorporated areas of Jefferson County that are not included in the Madison and Hanover planning jurisdictions. Both Madison and Hanover have jurisdiction over development in their city boundaries and buffer area. Although recommendations will not be made for Madison, Hanover, or the buffer areas, their existing plans will be referenced during the planning process. Please visit individual government websites to learn more about planning for Madison and Hanover.

Please reference the County existing mapping for jurisdiction boundaries. 

How does the comprehensive plan tie into zoning? 

While the Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan provides recommendations for land use policy, it does not rezone any property. The plan will include a Future Land Use Map that will be used by the Plan Commission & County Commissioners if property owners request a zoning change in the future.

When was the last comprehensive plan completed and how can I view it?

The current comprehensive plan was completed in 2000 and revised in 2003. The plan can be found here (https://jeffersoncounty.in.gov/DocumentCenter/View/753/1999-Comprehensive-Plan).

Who is helping the county on this plan?

The County Commissioners and Plan Commission have contracted a team of consultants to help develop this plan, including Taylor Siefker Williams Design Group, United Engineering and Latitudes.

How long are we planning for with this plan?

This plan will provide recommendations that include short, mid and long-term recommendations that should occur over the next 20 years.

How will the County use the plan?

The final plan will include an overarching vision statement, broad goals and objectives to accomplish over the next twenty years, as well as specific action steps to be completed. Ultimately the plan will be referenced:
– When creating or adjusting new programs or policies
– For the prioritization of infrastructure projects
– For tools and funding sources that are available for implementing recommendations
– When support is in place for public improvements
– For property rezoning
– When creating yearly budgets
– When unanticipated changes occur
– When new ideas are introduced to ensure they align with the overarching vision

How to Stay Involved?

There are many ways to get involved and provide input during the planning process.

  1. Follow the project website (www.JeffCoCompPlan.org) and the County’s website (https://jeffersoncounty.in.gov/500/Comprehensive-Plan)
  2. Attend public workshops or meetings (Project Meetings)
  3. Complete the online surveys on the project website (Online Survey)
  4. Submit additional ideas on the project website (Contact Us)

What is the Planning Process?

The Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan is organized into 3 phases: Existing Conditions & Visioning, Strategic Planning, and Implementation. Throughout the planning process, various community outreach and public input opportunities will help direct the vision and recommendations for the future of Jefferson County. The planning process, illustrated below, includes milestones that will be vetted through the Steering Committee and public.

What Topics will the Plan Cover?

The Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan will cover a variety of topics in the county to enhance the overall quality of life. It is anticipated that the comprehensive plan will provide ideas and recommendations for the topics: